Tuesday, February 26, 2008

There's a BUMP!

Yep, it's the first official belly shot. This is the start of week 14 and it is starting to become more obvious that there is something in there! Well, to the rest of the world it looks like that something could just be a few extra cup cakes! We still have about 6 weeks until we will find out what we are having. Michael and Shelley came out to visit around Valentine's day and we hiked Camelback Mountain with them and then went to Morton's. It was a great weekend and it took my mind off of being sick!

Monday, February 11, 2008

The First Baby Picture!

Our very first ultrasound was on Feb. 7th. We were so excited to finally see SOMETHING! We were curious as to whether or not it would be twins.....but there's just one! It started kicking and punching its little arms once the doctor stopped taking pictures of course! I was pleased not only that everything was progressing normally but also that I hadn't gained any weight since my last appointment. I eat non stop! We will know the sex and be able to see much more detail in the next ultrasound in about 7 weeks. This thursday marks the start of week 12. Just a little bit longer and I will be OUT this first trimester!